The Mentoring

An exclusive private mentoring program for selected business owners and entrepreneurs.

Ventures x Thrivers

Who is it for?

We are working with selected business founders with a revenue starting from 1M up to 20M per/Year

Business owners
Serial Enterpreneurs
Serial entrepreneurs
Startup Founders
Startup founders
Thrive your leadership

The Benefits

9 Reasons why The Mentoring is the most powerful way to become
The Business Thriver and achieve company goals faster.

Kickstart your
professional development.
Raise your confidenceand
problem-solving abilities.
Know how to
structure your company.
Hold yourself accountable
to achieve your goals.
Expand your network and open
doors to new opportunities.
Transfer knowledge
to avoid a lot of money loss.
Develop your
leadership skills.
Offer invaluable tacit
knowledge and guidance.
Helps find your vision
and to identify the why.
The Acceleration Company
The Mentoring
Scale Faster

The Business Thriver

Learn how to thrive millions in profit and
become the most powerful leader.

Start as a Business Owner

Get affordable online coaching and use YouTube videos to learn.

Become a Business Thriver

Have a mentor who personally shows them how their business works.

Start as a Business Owner

Rely on the accountant to
oversee the finances.

Become a Business Thriver

Have real-time insight into their cash flow and let their money work for them.

Start as a Business Owner

Are busy with detailed tasks every day and don't have a motivated team.

Become a Business Thriver

Has a self-organized team that is eager to implement the vision and enjoys doing it.

Start as a Business Owner

Sell out of pressure and have a product that customers might need but don't love.

Become a Business Thriver

Have a really great product that sells itself.

Start as a Business Owner

Do irregular and poor marketing that generates hardly any good leads.

Become a Business Thriver

Have an exceptional and consistent marketing and sales strategy that turns customers into fans.

Start as a Business Owner

Only get referrals because the owner is well-connected.

Become a Business Thriver

Have a very good overview of the entire company and an empty email inbox.

Start as a Business Owner

Have more than 50 emails a day and are lost in all the details.

Become a Business Thriver

Have a motivated team and are able to work on the vision and still have fun.

Start as a Business Owner

Need to be in the company every day, or else everything would fall apart.

Become a Business Thriver

Have the freedom to work from anywhere and are self-determined.

Arrow Left
Arrow Right
Implement the foundation

The Company_OS

Build an automated business with world's first The Company_OS
and create more transparency to navigate successfully through every situation.

The OS box

How to lead, build and thrive in a company
How to manage finances in real time & maximize profits.
How to lead, build and thrive in a company.
How to manage finances in real time & maximize profits.
How to lead, build and thrive in a company.

Proceed to grow

The Plan

Easier scaling. Higher profits.
A groundbreaking plan to scale your business easier than ever.

Start as a Business Owner

Look better, Make better Impression and Have Clarity of Mind --> A relaxed entrepreneur who is financially and emotionally free. Have you ever taken the time to get to know yourself better as a leader?

Selbstbestimmtes Arbeiten und klar wissen was zu tun ist (nicht mehr Fremdbestimmt zu sein)
Selbstbestimmtes Arbeiten und klar wissen was zu tun ist (nicht mehr Fremdbestimmt zu sein)

Do you have the necessary time to look at your company successfully from the outside? With this plan, you will get a mentor who is on the same level as you. I want a truly successful mentor who stands by my side and shows me what to do. A clear vision to lead my company so that everyone understands me and is motivated to follow my dream and make it a reality! As a Business Thriver, you now have a mentor who personally takes care of you and takes you by the hand to create the company you have always wanted. Welcome to your new entrepreneurial role.

Self-determined work and clear knowledge of what to do (no longer being determined by others)
A clear goal in mind that truly motivates you and your team

Have you ever been afraid of not having enough cash flow in your account? With this plan, you will get a real-time cash flow overview & capital as your own employee I want to make decisions immediately and need a real-time overview of cash flow or forecasting! In addition, I want my money to become a new free employee, invested correctly, and able to multiply itself! As a Business Thriver, you finally see how your cash flow looks on a daily basis and even before the tax advisor sees it. You will also see how it will look in the coming weeks and months, and how to best invest so your money starts working for you. Forecasting and finances have never been so much fun.

Real-time overview of your finances
Money that works for you
Financially independent and enough profit
More sales through better customer orders

Have you ever wished to have better employees to get more free time? With this plan, you will get a motivated team that can implement my vision and have fun doing it. I want employees who take responsibility and in the end have done what I expect from them. They are full of energy, enthusiasm, and always ready for further development to give everything for my company. As a Business Thriver, you now have the right team by your side that makes mistakes to learn, gladly develops, comes up with new ideas, and celebrates successes as a team. Each one has taken responsibility, giving you the freedom to work on your business. Finally, you are free.

Employees who are motivated to work in your company
Employees who take responsibility, and you are really relieved

Have you often wished for a sparring partner to implement new product ideas? With this plan, you will get a really great product that everyone loves and sells itself. I want more sales and a product that my customers long for and queue up to buy from me! As a Business Thriver, your product becomes an experience and precisely meets the needs of your customers, who keep coming back to order from you. Every detail of your product development is perfectly thought out, and the product marketing hits the point of what your customers expect from you. Say hello to the new product experience.

New products/services that sell better than today
Achieve better sales

Do you have any idea how to win more and better customers without expanding your sales team? With this plan, you'll get an exceptional marketing strategy that turns your customers into fans and constantly brings in new customer inquiries. I want my brand image to be so good that my customers immediately see how outstanding we are and prefer to buy without negotiating. As a Business Thriver, your marketing will now be exciting and engaging, and inquiries will come to you automatically. Customer experience is your new favorite word from today!

Higher conversion rate, better sales performance
Generate more revenue with the same personnel

Do you have full transparency and oversight at all times of who is doing what to improve quality? With this plan, you'll get an empty email inbox and an overview of all the details. I want a collaboration that is simply transparent, and at the end of the week, we are proud of what we have achieved without endless communication! As a Business Thriver, you'll use your time from now on to focus on the right and important tasks in the company. Simplified and clear communication in day-to-day operations. A clearly formulated report is automatically available at all times and gives you the confidence to focus on your role as an entrepreneur. Your work time will now be quality time!

Collaboration that works automatically
Digitization and modern work environment

Have you ever thought about how to turn existing customers into fans? With this plan, you'll get customers who buy from you repeatedly and often recommend you. I want to provide the customer service I expect myself and show my customers that they can achieve anything with me! As a Business Thriver, every email, call, or social media comment from your customers will be a positive experience that your team and customers will remember forever. They use your customer service and give you unprecedented feedback that helps you improve in every detail and become incredibly innovative. A happy customer is the best customer!

A customer service that attracts new customers and motivates existing customers to make more referrals

Do you have the freedom to work from anywhere and have everything digitized? With this plan, you'll get digital working from anywhere. I want to turn on my devices and applications and get started, making my ideas a reality. As a Business Thriver, the interaction between your software and hardware will be a positive experience from now on and will form the basis of your business success. Goodbye administration, hello efficiency!

An organization that runs so transparently and automatically that it only takes you half the time.

Hast Du die nötige Zeit um Dein Unternehmen erfolgreich von aussen zu betrachten? Ich will einen richtig erfolgreichen Mentor der mir zur Seite steht und mir zeigt was ich tun soll. Eine klare Vision um mein Unternehmen so führen, dass mich alle verstehen und mir motiviert folgen meinen Traum Realität werden zu lassen! Als Business Thriver hast Du jetzt einen Mentor an Deiner Seite der Dich persönlich betreut und Dich an die Hand nimmt, das Unternehmen zu schaffen das Du Dir schon immer gewünscht hast. Willkommen in Deiner neuen Unternehmerrolle.

Selbstbestimmtes Arbeiten und klar wissen was zu tun ist (nicht mehr Fremdbestimmt zu sein)
Selbstbestimmtes Arbeiten und klar wissen was zu tun ist (nicht mehr Fremdbestimmt zu sein)
Become a Business Thriver
Private Mentoring

Serial entrepreneur
Company builder

The Mentor
Who he is
The Mentor

Easier scaling. Higher profits.
A groundbreaking plan
to scale your business
easier than ever.

The Industries

Real Estate
The Know-How
Built companies from scratch
Simplified Businesses
Sold hundreds of Products
Automated Processes
Maximized profits
Implemented strategies
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A successful leader
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A thriving 20 years of experience
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A creator of 8-figure businesses
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A visionary company builder
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A shareholder of 15 companies
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A serial entrepreneur with 3 exits
Hand Shake Icon
Years of
Start your journey

The Start

Simplify your business and maximise your results.

Phase 1
The Eagle View

Become a visionary. We will meet live at your office and take an eagle-eye view of your business. We will identify every single weakness with eagle eyes and evaluate the current state of your company with a clear rating.

Phase 2
The Company Break Down

Become an optimizer. We break down every department into individual goals and tasks and create "The Plan". Through mentoring, every weakness is optimized and improved with blueprints, know-how, and our intensive sparring. In the future your company will be so efficient, transparent, and simple that you and your team will always make the right decisions. Scaling will now be child's play and the plan as easy as the ABC.

Laptop on table
Phase 3
The Execution

Become a thriver. From this point on, it starts to become fun. You reflect and implement what you have learned in your business. You notice more and more optimizations and have a crystal-clear idea of how to implement them. Your mentor, who has successfully gone down this path several times, is always by your side and accompanies you for 6 months to make your business more self-organized and successful.


The Mentees

Meet the sucessful mentees who used The Mentoring
to become a successful Business Thriver.

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and get some more inspiration.